You don't need others to make you YOU

3 min readJul 2, 2021

By Isti Toq’ah ~ Founder of 10-Minute Pause Initiative “Humane Human”

Source: Unsplash

It might sound hurt and I know it's indeed hurt. And I know it's even much more hurt to be practiced than to be said. But you got what I meant if you have experienced it. Diamonds are made after they're crushed, aren't they? It's not easy and I don't want to glorify toxic positivity where everyone MUST think positively all the time.

Nothing's wrong to admit and acknowledge your feeling. Your feeling is as valid as you. Yet, let's put it this way. For instance, you are SAD. Instead of saying, "I AM sad." Try to say, "I FEEL sad." How do you feel? Which one sounds working better on you? I think for me I would pick the second one because even though I admit and acknowledge my feeling, I am not my feeling itself.

Now let's work on the title we pick tonight (I mean here is night now when I am writing this to you): You don't need others to make you YOU. For me this is totally making sense because why should I, why must I, make those people as my priorities when they cannot make myself as theirs? RIGHT or RIGHT? Hehe.

You need to honor yourself much more better. By honoring yourself, you respect your time and your energy. Remember! Time is the most valuable asset that everyone on earth has equally and it's your decision to whom you want to make your time for. So, make the best of it. Or you will regret it. Make the best investment as possible as you can. Next is energy. Your phone has battery as the energy. And so does your laptop. Now think about yourself. We all have energy, but we often forget and limit our energy merely from the food and drink we consume. We are beyond that. We are unique and magic. Why? Because we can absorb and transfer energy. When we are surrounded by wrong sources of energy such as toxic people or useless things, don't we just weaken our energy?

Next next is gem. Huh? Why suddenly I want talk about gem here. I don't try to sell anything to you. Not a piece of jewelry for sure. Hehe. Have you? Uhmm.. I guess most or all of us have experienced to be treated merely as things. In life we for sure meet this kind of creature that feels loosing us because they see as their gem. They loose the value of functionality for them. They never appreciate, respect, or even acknowledge our existence and presence. But when we disappear from their life, they feel they are loosing the most precious possession they have ever got. L-O-L. That's what I got to say. But wait wait. When those people try to reach you back and focus on themselves instead your wellbeing for the least, it's the exact signal indeed that they are toxic and they are not worthy for you to return for them. Return for yourself. You are you. You are your home.

Another sign that makes you realize to leave is when you have been giving much more than you supposed to do. How can you pour other people's cups from your empty ones, NO? Exactly, it's a big NO NO NO. It's unhealthy, I know, to be kind by following transactional term and condition. But that's not what I mean here now. I hope you get it. You just need to tell yourself gently and surely that You are not selfish at all for honoring yourself, your soul, your spirit, your energy, your vibration.




"humane human" is a mindful initiative that introduces "meditation for all without technique, but breath." as long as you're human, you can be humane.